OK, I have some crazy ass dreams sometimes. They should be pretty entertaining and maybe someone can even help me interpret the craziness of my brain. I'm going to talk about the last couple I can remember the most about....OK dream numero uno.
So, I had a dream about a week ago, right after my job interview, that I had survived the apocalypse with a couple other friends of mine. In this new crazy post apocalypse world I was still having my interview, but what I didn't know was I was interviewing to be a stripper. Next thing I remember in my dream is some man thinking that my friends and I are hiding something so he's searching through our hair and the only way he can be sure we're not hiding anything is to cut our hair off (mine's in pigtails) so this crazy man grabs my hair and lops it off with a machete! After that all I remember is screaming at these people for cutting my hair off. Very odd dream I must say.
Another dream I had that I barely remember. I was walking around in a warehouse with someone, I dunno who, and there are hundreds of vampires all handcuffed together in this huge single file line. And I was advocating for the release of the vampires. That's all I remember of that one.
I have very random dreams. The other night I had a dream that Leonardo Dicaprio was my sugar daddy. Not complaining about that one!!! Tehehehheheh....and in the past month or so I've had a couple of dreams about becoming a lesbian...*shudder*...some are very vivid and others not so much.
I think there was another really weird one I had a couple weeks ago but I can't remember what it was at the moment. So, there ya go. I have no idea if they mean anything but that's what goes through my brain when I go to sleep time.