So, it's been a while since I made a post. I'm not very good at this blogging thing. For one I really don't have the patience to keep up with it and for two, well, I just really don't know what to write about half the time. I guess your just supposed to write about life? Your thoughts? It all just makes me feel really stupid LoL. I sit and I think huh what have I thought about that's of any importance and then my poor little pea brain blanks.
Well, I'm almost done with community service! 27 more hours then I can get the hell outta this state! Oh on that note. When I was at the church doing hours last Friday something terribly awesome happened to me. It was terrible but it's awesome now because I can look back and laugh on it now. Ok, so I was having to put all these papers and stuff together for the church service and put them in these little pockets on the backs of the big deal right? Well, that's what I thought, but I kept tripping over my pants walking between the rows and thinking to myself "ok just don't fall" (there was a group of like 6 guys in there looking at the sound system or something). Well, then the worst happened. I tripped again, but this time I fell all the way down and these people stopped and were looking at me. Then, I saw them looking at me, but I didn't say anything I just kinda giggled then in my head I'm going "oh god why am I giggling I look so stupid sitting here giggling to myself" Then, that just put me into hysterics and I started laughing harder and I couldn't stop! You guys shoulda been in my head for real. Poor Stephanies brain was all like "For the love of God stop laughing! These people think you're a loon! Shut up woman!" That's about how it went. So, there I was sitting in the church with these unknown people staring at me while I was laughing hysterically at myself. That's my fun story for that week. I got sun burnt last weekend when we went shooting. B said it was karma for once again convincing her I was prego....hahhahahahhahahah I can't help myself though she's so easy. It is gonna be hard to convince people that I am if I ever really do get pregnant.
Hmmm...what else uneventful has happened in my life? Well, lizard man bit Ms.Penguin (my roomie). Oh that's a good story. Penguin and I almost came to blows the other night at the bar because of someone we shall call....Crazy Cat Lady. So, what happened was I took my heels off ya know cuz I was drunk and I put my flip flops on. Well, then one of my flip flops broke we laughed about it for a while and it put it in my purse. I was drunk I wasn't really concerned about walking around a bar with only one shoe on. Well, then we get even more intoxicated and I ask Ms. Penguin for my flip flop which she proceeds to throw to me (I didn't see her throw it to me) Well, Crazy Cat Lady sees that I don't see her do that so she takes my shoe and hides it from me thinking it will be funny. Well, let me take this time to say that as much as I love my Penguin she get's a little silly when she's mean that she starts thinking people are talking about her or saying things about her, and it makes her a little crazy. Well, I ask her again if she knows where my shoe is. She says she threw it to me and I say I never got it, and we know I didn't because of Crazy Cat Lady. Well, then Ms. Penguin thinks that I'm calling her a liar so her in her drunken state gets mad and starts talking shit about me. I can hear her across the bar she's not a quiet person especially that drunk. Well, I get pissed grab my giant of a purse that would put Mary Poppins to shame and almost knock over a bunch of glasses on the bar, then walk outside. At this point I have no idea why she's talking shit about me, so I'm just seeing red. Well, Crazy Cat Lady follows me outside and tells me it's all her fault that she thought it would be funny. Well, go figure that back fired. Then Ms. Penguin comes outside yelling at everyone and still talking shit about me. I can hear her across the parking lot. At this point I am enraged beyond reason I throw my purse and jacket down storm across the parking lot push another friend out of the way who's trying to keep me from knocking the fuck outta my friend. Ms. Penguin is screaming at me to go the fuck away she's walking home. LOL. Well, then I just follow her like the annoying person I am and demand to know what the fuck her problem is. Well, that's when I find out she thought I was calling her a liar and blah blah shinanigans. Then, I tell her I never said that it was Crazy Cat Lady that got us into this mess and she starts crying. We hug and get in the car. Ahhhh good times. I don't know what Crazy Cat Lady was thinking pitting Ms. Penguin and myself against each rude. Good thing we didn't turn on her, then things woulda got really interesting. Ms. Penguin is still pretty peeved about the whole thing I just look back and giggle.
I feel like this video is very appropriate